Staff Stance: new CAVE is causing more problems

The new Cave schedule is not working. We should return to the original Cave schedule from the first semester because it gave students the freedom of choice to see the teachers they need to see.
The Cave schedule was changed because students have to spend a certain amount of time in CTE classes. CTE classes include Culinary, Computer Science, etc. But new schedule makes us feel frustrated, confused and unorganized.
We are told to go to the teachers we need to see in the morning or after school, not every single student gets to school before the ten minute passing period or has the time and transportation to stay after. Sure there are Go Buses, which are only available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have lives outside of school just like teachers do, we don’t all have time after school because many babysit or have jobs.
Cave has only gotten worse because of the change. Teachers are giving assignments in Cave instead of letting us work on the things we need to do. Students have to wait a week or two until we see get to see the teacher we need to see for help in class. Students may even begin to see decreases in grades and attendance. Most of the students who are in clubs or other electives; yearbook, FFA, etc, miss out on needed meetings.
Cave should be set back to the original way we had it in the first semester because it’s more convenient for students because they can see any teacher on any day. We are not saying Cave should be completely taken away from us but merely changed to the original format.