Staff Stance: Students should be allowed to stay inside after school hours

Every day after school, students are let out of class at 3:45 p.m. to leave for the day. However, students don’t just leave the school, they’re basically forced out by the teachers and AP’s. We strongly believe that we should not be pushed out of school at the end of the day, and that we should be allowed to stay inside the building.
With the cool fall weather slowly turning into a harsh and rainy winter, students should not have to suffer by standing outside in the cold waiting for the buses or for their parents to come pick them up. We should be able to stay inside the common area, where it’s warm and comfortable and we can socialize with our friends that have different forms of transportation.
If we want to stay for tutorials, we have to have a pass signed by a teacher to the classroom we’re supposed to be going to. The teachers push us into that classroom almost immediately and don’t allow us to converse with our friends at the end of the day. Letting students stay after school to bond with faculty, staff and their fellow peers helps to build Glenn culture, which is ultimately what the school is all about. Students who need help in their classes and want to spend extra time with friends and teachers should not be under this strict of a schedule.
It is understandable that teachers want to get all of the students out of the building at a certain time. However, it is not acceptable that we have to be outside of the building so quickly, especially in bad weather.
Students should not be pushed out of the school at the end of the day. They should have enough time to socialize at the end of the day, go to other classes for tutorials and stay inside while they wait for their parents versus sitting in the cold, rainy weather.