Jasmin Bryant

Jasmin Bryant

Jordan Dohring, Newswriter

As one of the first students to head back onto campus, freshman Jasmin Bryant has been enjoying the time away from home. The structure of classes has given her the ability to be more focused during class, which allows her to relax when she gets home.

Her favorite elective is Sports Medicine, since she is working toward being a physical therapist or athletic trainer. She enjoys learning from Coach Kidd about how to help others physically, and the hands-on training makes her feel successful as they master new skills, like recently learning how to correctly tape a wrist.

“I think [sports medicine] will be very helpful. It’s a lot of good information, knowing what to do if you’re in a situation, even if you’re not at school. I’m doing a lot better academically now that I’m actually in person. My mental health has been a billion, trillion times better. I always thought the main issues for my [negative] mental health was school, that’s what everyone else implanted in my mind – it was my phone and school. Then I get off of school for six months and it gets worse! Now, I go back, and I’ve been a lot happier. I’ve been more confident in myself. [It’s due to] being around people, and having my time focused on one thing. I was wandering, lost, and I’ve been brought back in. I can’t say that I know where to go, but I’m finding my way.”