Q&A: Assistant Athletic Coordinator Talks About Expectations, Goals

Taylor Crosby, Staff Reporter

Meet Jennifer Womack, the new Assistant Athletic Coordinator and Head Girls Soccer Coach.


How long have you been coaching and playing soccer?

“I have been coaching soccer for what will now be my seventeenth year and I have been playing soccer since I can remember, so I would say since elementary school.”


How do you enjoy it so far here at Glenn?

“Glenn has been really nice. It’s refreshing to come here because it has been a very positive atmosphere and a positive change for me as far as my coaching and who I work with on the coaching staff. It has been a very positive environment regarding the coaching staff. I’ve really enjoyed it; everyone from the principal to the coaching staff to the teachers have been very inviting and accepting. It just seems like everybody is on the same page and wants the same thing.”


What were you anticipating/expecting when coming to Glenn?

“I was anxious because I didn’t know. I have heard both good and bad things about Glenn and you never know what you’re gonna get, so I was anxious about what the environment was going to be like because I know it was different from any school I had been to before.”


How have you bonded so far with the coaching staff?

“I knew Coach Rich before I got here so that made it easier for me to get to know the other volleyball coaches, I also knew one of the football coaches before I got here. Knowing a few people before you get here helps break the ice with everybody else. The coaches that were here when I got here have been very welcoming and have really made me feel at home.”


What are your expectations for this upcoming soccer season?

“Just like any coach I want to win. At the same time, I know that we are in a hard district in Soccer, so I think realistic goals for us as a team might not include win-loss goals but rather small attainable goals. At the end of the day I still want to win and I think we have a core group of girls that can get us those wins. I want to go to playoffs as well.”


What is the legacy that you want to leave here at Glenn?

“When girls leave Glenn, after playing soccer, I want them to have enjoyed their time at Glenn and I hope that they enjoyed soccer. I hope it’s something they can look back on and they can tell stories about all the enjoyable moments that had playing soccer. I want them to have a positive experience; I think that’s the most important thing, especially for girls. Girls need to have a positive experience in high school and sports give us that. I hope one day they remember me when they’re rich.”