Spaghetti Dinner exceded Ambassador’s goal

The Ambassadors hosted a spaghetti dinner on Thursday April 19 in the Union. They put on a showing of Ratatouille, served salad and spaghetti and set up banquets style tables.

The organization was making efforts to raise money for The Lymphoma society. The ticket proceeds alone raised over $1,000.

“As an ambassador, it’s our job to reach out to our community, not only within Glenn, but organizations that reach a wider base of people, to promote change,” junior Anysiah Boike-Davis said. “It took a lot of decision making on who we were going to donate to, but in the end, we decided to raise money for The Lymphoma Society.”

All of the ambassadors worked hard with their teacher to put on the project.

“We had been selling tickets for weeks before the event,” sophomore Malee Longoria said. “Each of us were prompted to sell around 10 tickets. I reached out to classmates, neighbors, teachers and family members to come out and contribute.”

The attendees sat in the Union fellowshiping with community members over a spaghetti dinner while Ratatouille was playing in the background.

“It was a lot of fun to be part of such a fun experience,” freshman Kailey Ramsey said. “It was a very refreshing and original idea that the Ambassadors thought of. Hopefully they continue this and make this happen every year as addition to our culture here at Glenn.”