Two Koreas unite for Winter Olympics

The 2018 Winter Olympics are taking place in Pyeongchang, South Korea this year, featuring various countries and sports. The event is February 8 to February 25.

Pyeongchang also created official mascots for this years events. Soohorang, who is White Tiger which is representing the Winter Olympics and involved in the Korean mythologies. And Bandabi, an Asiatic Black Bear representing the Paralympics, who is also apart of the mythology.

The Torch Reply had taken place in 17 different cities and provinces in the Republic of Korea. It included celebrities, previous athletes, and important people. This gave so much insight of the Korean culture with footage taken throughout its three week journey. After 2,018 km of relay and over 7,500 torchbearers

“I am so proud to have my country represented this year, to see my country on TV is exciting,” an exchange student from South Korea junior Youjin Park said.

When the unified Korea walked in people cheered the loudest. People within the stadium showed their full support for each and every country participating in the games.

“However, I am mostly sad about not being able to be home to watch with my family in Donghae,“ Park said.

This year also had the debut of a unified Korea team, the first all women Nigerian Bobsled team, and the outstanding teenage olympians who took their place this year like the “Shib Sibs,” Chloe Kim, Nathan Chen, and Red Gerard, all for team USA. In which USA has taken home 16 so far, with Norway in the lead of 33 medals.

“I feel so touched to see new faces and new trends to get these games started,” junior Jacob Rhymer said.

The Closing Ceremony to put a close to the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics will end on February 25. This is the conclusion of the games and celebrate the hard working athletes and the Medals they’ve won for their proud countries.

“It’s 2018 and we’re making changes for the better of future games,” said Rhymer.