Staff Stance: Schedule changes more positive than negative

Recently the students of our school have had some very sudden schedule changes. The cause of many of them were because a teacher resigned. We strongly support the changes made.
With the school down a teacher, it is understandable that changes had to be made. Although students had been confused by the change, it had to be done. The school had to have a place to put the students when their teacher resigned. The school couldn’t put a bunch of students in various classes at random because that would have caused classrooms to become overcrowded.
Although the changes caused frustration for some, it was necessary and caused relief for others. When a teacher leaves, they don’t just leave an empty classroom but an entire class as well. The school couldn’t hire a teacher spontaneously in the middle of the year.
Some students didn’t like the fact that their schedules were changed. The majority said it had negative effects. Many students complained that it made them lose their focus and made their grades go down, as well as being lost in a class that was going at a different pace than what their previous class was. Students could fix this issue by speaking with their new teachers and getting help.
We believe that the change overall was a positive one. We couldn’t have just left those students to be with a substitute teacher all year, or put them in classes that were already full. We needed to even out some of the classes. This schedule change was efficient.