Guardians’ first full iDance

On Wednesday and Thursday at 7 p.m., the Guardian’s performed at iDance which took place at Leander High School.

iDance is an event featuring all six dance teams in LISD. They come together for two days to perform for friends and family in several styles of dances and routines. Due to the fact that our school was a first year school last year, the Guardians were not able to do many dances.

“Last year we didn’t get the full experience because first year schools only get two dances, so we only had a team dance and an officer dance,” junior Amanda Maglich said. “But this year we had the full experience. We had three team dances, an opener, and a finale.”

The Guardians perform frequently at football games as well as pep rallies, however they don’t get to perform alongside the other varsity teams any other time of year except for iDance.

“We were super excited about iDance,” sophomore Aaliyah Taylor said. “It’s a way to keep us dance teams together as a sisterhood. It’s really exciting just being involved with the other high schools and feeling like a part of it.”

iDance takes a lot of time and preparation. With 7:30 a.m. practices every morning and several dress rehearsals, the Guardians put a lot of effort into making sure the performance was enjoyable for their audience.

“It’s really chaotic, so we just help each other get through the show,” Maglich said. “iDance is one of the craziest weeks of the whole year. It’s a lot to prepare for but I think it helps us learn how to manage our time better and multitask and get things done when we need to.”

iDance not only unites all varsity teams in LISD, but it is also a way for the Guardians to get recognition for all the work they put into their craft.

“I don’t think people understand everything that we do,” sophomore Madison Merritt said. “When we’re around people that do the same thing that we do it’s easier to connect. We can see what the other teams are doing with their dances and technique and their skills so we can see where to improve.”